Strattic vs Simply Static 1

Strattic vs Simply Static

Compare Strattic vs Simply Static and explore which headless WordPress static site generator is for you. Both are popular solutions for running static sites, let’s see how they differ.

Why Choose Simply Static, the Strattic Alternative

Don’t settle for huge monthly fees for your static WordPress site.
See why over 40,000+ users choose the easier-to-use Simply Static over Strattic for their static website.

Simply Static vs Strattic Features

Simply Static and Strattic both create static WordPress websites from your existing dynamic WordPress website.

They do this while keeping your WordPress installation. This way, you can use WordPress as a headless CMS, but users will see a static version of your website.


$2388 / year

$69 / year

Can run locally (on your computer)

Includes WordPress Hosting

Free version available


WP-CLI support


Deployment methods

Only their own hosting

ZIP, local directory, GitHub (GitHub Pages, Cloudflare Pages, Netlify..), Amazon AWS S3, BunnyCDN, or via SFTP

Search integration

Forms & Comments integration

Multilingual support

Incremental static site updates

One-Click Basic Auth


Hide WordPress

Image Optimization

Premium Support